Tuesday 28 August 2012

A Video i've produced from my photo's

Blogger seem's unable to host my full HD video that i've made. So you'll have to settle for the link below:
Here's the link for the full HD version
(Vimeo work's best with Internet Explorer or Safari)

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Ash Wallpaper

Ash Wallpaper

Here's some Ash iphone wallpapers


Wednesday 1 August 2012

4 Shades of stick

Another Physio appointment since my thumb operation. After a fairly easy first appointment, this time she introduces the stick into the therapy. Not just any stick but the "four shades of stick".

She called me into hand therapy, where I placed my hands on the table & waited for her to begin. She started by touching my hands, stroking my thumb, gently around my scar at first. Then she squirted some cream on to her hands & firmly began working it into my scar, making me tense as she pressed harder and rubbed in a circular motion. She asked if my thumb was still sensitive, "a little. Not as much as last time." She stood up and said she had something she wanted to introduce to me.

Thats when she came over with a stick, "the four shades of stick", with four different surfaces, which she used to gently stroke my thumb teasing my nerve ending, sending tingles up my arm and down my spine. This is to help get feeling back to parts of my thumb. She started off gently using the soft end with a gentle touch, but as I started to feel braver she would move to the next side of the stick, working her way up to the hard scratchy end, causing it to tingle & throb!

After she had finished I was very sore all the rubbing and stroking had taken its tole. But at least I got to take the stick home to practise with.

Who needs fifty shades of grey when you've got four shades of stick?