Sunday, 12 May 2013

Electronic cigga cig ah

Electronic cigarettes seem to be all the rage these days. No matter where you go or where you work, there will be someone with one of these things. I would rather see people with an e-cig than  a proper cigarette but where do we stand with them?

Seems like smokers are getting the best of both worlds, no boundaries or rules what so ever. Free to use the e-cigarettes in public places & the worst place of all..... in the work place.

Which is surely unfair on other people that have addictions?

What about people who are addicted to computer games? Does this mean while in work you can take a PSP or a Nintendo DS around with you & play on it while working just to get your daily fix of gaming?!

What about people who are addicted to alcohol? Does this mean while in work you can happily drink shandy & hammer the wine gums till home time as a substitute for proper alcohol?

What about people who are addicted to porn? Does this mean while in work you can happily be watching Baywatch while you work as a cheap fix to your porn addiction?

A bit of willpower is what is needed to get you through addiction. No matter what it is.......except if your totally addicted to base!