Sunday 5 June 2011

Cereal Joy Killers

I opened my box of Kellogg's cornflakes this morning and felt that there was something missing . Remember years ago when in a box of cereal you could get a free toy or even further back, tokens to send off for a little model van.
These days the most fun you get from a box of cereal is 25% extra free. Or now the only way to get anything is txt a number and you might win a prize.

The fun you had routing through a box of cereal with your hand trying to feel the plastic wrapper containing the toy. You would sometimes even pull the cereal bag out of the box to look and see where the hell it was if you couldn't find it by touch.
Plus you were never allowed to open the new box of cereal unless the current box was finished. This caused problems if a cool toy was inside the new box.

There were ways to get around this... Empty what little was left into the bottom of the box & leave it near the bin.
Pour it with milk into a bowl and just leave it so it goes soggy & then say your not eating it now.
Or best of all make chocolate cornflake cakes, which is a win win situation, you get to eat them plus they're used up the box so that means the new box can be opened & the toy can be had!
They need to bring them back and stop being such cereal joy killers. Fun for all the Family, who doesn't like being sprayed by a water pistol type toy at 7am when you've just woke up?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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