Saturday 10 September 2011

You Stole the Sun!

Why do us British have such a love of the weather? It doesn't really effect us like it does in places such as Russia, Alaska etc... Yet we are obsessed by the weather. As long as i can remember, mine like most parents always were more interested in the weather than the news at times. Why?

Everyone knows how the weather works, its nice and sunny when your stuck in work but then it decides to rain just at weekend as your planning trips. We don't have much sun here in the North West so maybe that's why we sit with bated breath waiting to see if Mr Sun will show his face.
When your young the weather takes on a different meaning like:
Rain = God is watching the dishes, or hes crying because you've been naughty.
Snow = God is brushing his Dandruff away.
Thunder = God is very angry with you.
Windy = God is drying his hair.
There are loads more gems like this that you are told as a kid.
It doesn't stop there, the weather presenter is a main feature. When i was a kid John Kettley was the main man, his classic jumpers and terrible tops were a joy to behold. Fred the Weather Man here in the North West is still on the TV, I've even got his autograph. He is a bit eccentric with even crazier jumpers. I also remember some guy on itv in the morning who always looked scruffy and like he had just got in from a long night out.

I think Ulrika Jonsson really kick started the love for weather in England. At times she couldn't get through the weather without giggling or messing something up, but that's what we all loved about her. Back then you would of never thought The England manager would be impressed on how she could handle balls better than most England Keepers!
Recently a few of the older weather people have moved along to allow fresh young talent through, like the lovely Lucy Verasamy. who brings back not only the fun and personalty into the weather reports but also something to look at too.

I've come to the conclusion that we love the weather presenters because they brighten up our dull weather in England.

Today in Oldham it's Cold, Windy and looks like rain.

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