Monday 31 October 2011

Those Pesky Kids

So Halloween is here, me being a miserable sod at times, i don't like it. I've never understood the need to celebrate Halloween. I've always thought of it as an American celebration, not something for us English folks. I first saw it in the film E.T. I'm sure that's how us folks in England got to see how Halloween is done. Every shop seems to join in the Halloween fun, the shops are full of cheap crap, green & black sweets and more rubber toys than Ann summers.

As for kids knocking on your door, what I pain that is!
I never did it when I was young, I never had the urge to go begging around the streets dressed as some freaky ghost thing.
Kids knocking time and time again days before Halloween. I feel like a prisoner in my own house, so fed up of answering the door to soon to be chavs with a black bin bag over their head wanting money rather than sweets. I've even resorted to turning down the TV, dimming the lights and keeping quiet when i hear the front gate open.

At least the Halloween films are something to enjoy but after spending two years in a haunted flat in Oldham the real experience definitely wasn't something to enjoy. Sleepless nights, banging on walls inside our room, moving items and strange happens.
I've never ever been so scared in my life when I was home alone one night in particular. I was at the sink washing up, yes men do wash up. I could hear footsteps slowly coming up behind me, like someone dragging their feet on the carpet. As it got nearer and nearer I thought "the girlfriend must be thinking she can make me jump by creeping up on me", so as I thought she was right behind me I quickly turned round..... My heart literally stopped, no-one was there, I've never been so scared, then quickly checked the rooms, no-one to be seen or heard, so keys in hand, locked the door and to the local shop I quickly went. I finally returned after a 15 minutes of scoffing chocolate to calm my nerves. I would of lost operation for sure after that, the guy would be dead!

So so glad I'm not living there anymore.
So if you here bangs or knocks in the night and your all alone..... It's probably them pesky kids begging for money at the front door - but then could be the central heating boiler - but then could be the dog - but then could be the wife - but then again it could be something far scarier than the wife! YES it is possible.
It could be something else you can't explain, if so, run!

So Remember.....Don't have nightmares!

Wednesday 19 October 2011

A right stitch up

Last week my Stitches were finally taken out, after the long wait i was finally seen. She confirmed that no cancer had shown up in the test results. Basically i was told, it's a skin deformity that caused growths around my nipple area. These were removed and that's what were sent for tests to be done on.
The stitches took some time pulling out and wasn't the nicest of experiences I've ever had. But It's not every day you get pulled by a polish nurse!

My page 3 dreams are over :)
But everything is clear & no further treatment is needed.

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Sunday 9 October 2011

A short n nippy update

So just over a week since my hospital session.
A week of strange sensations I have experienced was something that I didn't expect. As well as the usual twinges and pain when I stretch for things. A good stretch in the morning is something that has turned into a challenge to have a good stretch without pulling my stitches out.
The changes in the weather hasn't helped, It's gone too cold & we all know what nipples do when they get cold!
Well after part has been cut off mine It's not been fun when I get a cold chill.
Another thing I've discovered is that ice-cream sends a chill straight to the spot.
Only a few days till I find out what caused the problem.
So I hope it warms up a bit it's a bit too nippy for me!

If you missed what I'm on about here's my previous post:

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