Tuesday 18 December 2012

Call of Reality

After these shocking killings at a school in America, people are now blaming video games.
Ban guns in America, now that is what NEEDS to happen, licensing laws & to educate people is what's needed.
We did have nut-cases before video games were invented.
Apparently now, everyone who plays Call of Duty are going to kill people - get real, not everyone who plays it is a nutcase & thinks its real life !!
Good job I play Football manager in the safety of my own home dressed in club track suit on normal match days but can't resist putting on a suit for cup finals.

Back in 80's we didn't see an increase in people jumping up head 1st into boxes & searching for super mushrooms to give us a power boost like Mario. Nor did we see people gobbling after pills like Pac-man, ok, maybe we did on the club scene we did.

So if it all turns out to be true and video games influence us, we've just got to hope that when the aliens finally come down to attack us, all our practising on space invaders will come in handy.

Thursday 13 December 2012


So the end of the world has been brought forward to this Sunday 16th December rather than the anticipated 21st December - Trams will now run to and from Shaw, this means the Shaw gorbies can escape on the tram!
Go and search "Shaw gorbies" if you have no idea what one of these strange creatures is.
The people of Manchester best be ready for the influx of visitors from Shaw. This is as long as they can figure out the ticket machines.
As discussed on twitter earlier I was informed that they use meat pies as currency & pork scratching as loose change, which is sure to cause problems with the mancs, i can see a few pies will be getting thrown back at them.
So yet more visitors for Manchester, 1st it was the usual Man Utd fans travelling up from the South, then just months ago Oldhamers appeared, now just days away come the gorbies, after the test trials from Shaw to Manchester were successful, as can be seen from this exclusive picture.

It's the end of the world as we know it!