Saturday, 9 April 2011


Before you Brian Cox fanatics jump all over me about cavemen not being around the same time as dinosaurs, I know! Gayasaurus just seemed a good title, plus remove the R & turn the 1st U to a N and you get a new word. Childish I know!

The World's first gay caveman has been discovered!
Ancient humans remains are thought to be those of a gay man based on the way he was buried.

Rupert was found in the Czech Republic. His remains were curiously positioned and buried in a way that is usually only seen in female burials. Alongside him archaeologists found several household jugs but no sign of any weapons.
Maybe he was such a bad shot they told him not to bother hunting, bet he was last pick on the hunting team. So therefore he decided he might as well just stay back at the cave and learn cooking.

Archaeologists do not think it was a mistake or coincidence given the importance attached to funerals during the period, people from this period took funeral rites very seriously so it is highly unlikely that this positioning was a mistake.
So why have funeral rites changed so much these days, why aren't we buried with our instruments of our work?
For me it would be printer stuff, Not sure how this would work with prostitutes, their clients wouldn't be too happy going to have a early grave!

So gays were "out" in the stone age. Not sure why with cavewomen looking like Raquel Welch One Million Years Ago B.C.

I'm calling him Rupert. Good job Rupert didn't turn all his friends gay or mankind wouldn't of discovered the wheel and died out because they wouldn't move on from the hole!

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