Monday, 4 April 2011

Sweet smell of?

With 3D making a massive come back these past couple of years how long till Smell-O-Vision makes a return?
The last time we saw or should i say, smelt it was way back In 1995 the BBC's Children in Need brought scratch and sniff smell-o-vision to the masses. Through the Saturday evening family show Noel Edmond's House Party, viewers could experience various odours to complement their television experience. It never really worked well, with most smells seeming the same.

How would it work in this day and age?

"Top Gear" these days, Clarkson and co spend more time worrying about their hair than the cars, so a scratch n sniff card with old spice, hairspray and petrol fumes would do for the show. Ideal for middle aged men sat at their couch watching it.

"Skins" would contain the smell of a teenagers bedroom, beer and the smell of fags or weed. Not to be smelt if you have a weak stomach or too early in the morning!

"The only way is Essex" I challenge you to even sit through an episode, this is one poor show. Yet if Smell-O-Vision happens you could enjoy the smell of fake tan, hair spray & the odour de le skank perfume.

"what Katie did next" (see above)

I can't see Smell-O-Vision returning anytime soon, Thankfully looking at the shows above.... But who knows?

There must be a plus side to it - cooking with the lovely Nigella Lawson must smell nice!

Let's keep it as it is for now, no sniffing cards in front of the tele sniffing them like you've just found Kelly Brooks underwear or the pants from a member of JLS! You don't wanna be sat in my front room with daft 3D shades on watching football WHEN YOU COULD ACTUALLY BE THERE IN THE STADIUM WATCHING IT FOR REAL.
Get outside and experience REAL life!

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