Thursday 18 August 2011

Sleeping with the fishes

Too many people, not enough room. That's the problem with our planet, not the living but the dead! Were running out of room to bury people. So I have a cunning plan.....
The sea is the answer, its big, will always be here, not much in it other than fish but it's the surface which can be used.

So basically it's a floating graveyard, with out the hassle. Water tight Coffins & urns that sit just under the surface. Also the family coat of arms on flags can be used on the water surface.
Areas will be roped off away from sea traffic. The last thing we want is a boat dragging a few coffins along the sea.
Visiting will create a family day out and bring the family together, with a trip to the seaside, with boats to hire to venture out and spend a peaceful time on the sea reflecting on a lost loved one.
Also this means family members can be kept or moved together if they wish.
This will help the British coast line industries & create/free up land space.
I think it would work, not sure health & safety would agree to dead boddies in coffins floating around in the English channel. Of course the coffins would be water-tight.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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