Monday 8 August 2011

Northerners are superior to southerners

Scientists say the Northern brain is bigger than those of the South.
But it's not all victorious for us Northerners, this doesn't make us any brainier (as you can guess by reading my blog)

The big brain simply helps northerners see clearly in the lower light levels that come with living at high latitudes like up near the pennines. So the lack of light up North led to the evolution of bigger brains.

This theory comes from Oxford University scientists who measured the brain volume of 55 skulls from around the world.

Some were English, others came from as far afield as China, Africa and the Pacific Islands.
Matching brain volume with the geographical location of the person’s country showed that the further north they lived, the bigger their brain.

Scandinavians had the most brain power and Pacific Islanders the least. Measurements of the eye sockets also showed that those from northern areas had bigger eyes.
So bigger eyes to take in the beauty of the Lancashire.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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