Saturday 31 December 2011

New Years Resolution

So only a few hours from 2012, let's hope it's better than 2011. 2012 promises a lot, some good and some not so good. A trip to Anfield for us Oldham fans is a fantastic start to the year. Never in a million years did I think we would be playing Liverpool. Plus a trip to Wembley could be happening if we can get past Chesterfield. Was about time we deserved a change of luck.

On a personal note, another operation on my thumb is whats coming for me in 2012. Signed the form saying if they screw up and damage anything else I won't sue, well I can't see how they can make my hands any worse, bloody hypermobility! I finished 2011 with a dodgy hip, yet again hypermobility was the culprit. being bendy has more disadvantages than advantages I've found out over the years.
So please for the new year can I have a new body with fully working parts. An andy2.0 would be great!
So enjoy your new years eve, whether it's getting rat arsed or just spending it with the people you love, have a good one!

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