Sunday 8 January 2012

90 Seconds of Joy

The scoreboard read LIVERPOOL 0 OLDHAM 1 for all of 90 seconds but for many, if not all of the 6,000 fans will never forget it. The premiership days are a distant memory now. Back in the early 90's we were being teams like Liverpool for fun, sadly times have changed.

The Friday night in Liverpool thankfully pulled the town the supporters and the club together.
Traveling down the motor-way seeing the Latics coaches in convoy leaving Oldham heading towards Merseyside was a good feeling. Walking up through Stanley Park just hoping we wouldn't let our selfs down and thankfully we didn't. It was a party atmosphere even before the game had begun. Even had Luis Suarez walk past me inside the ground.
Luis Suarez
 As soon as we walked up the steps and saw the pitch that was it, camera time! As the teams came out, blue balloons & confetti filled the air, magical.

Even 5-1 down we were loving every minute of it. Also the fact we outplayed Liverpool for the 1st 25 minutes and took the lead with a truly amazing goal and should of been 2 nil up before that. As Simpson hit it, it was then a second or so to realise, holly shit we've just scored! As Simpson ran the length of the pitch towards the Oldham fans, grown men were hugging each other, dancing, jumping and even people crying. Even a blue flare was set off only a few yards from me. We didn't even have chance to settle back down as Liverpool jammed the equalizer. Even then we held Liverpool till the 45th minute when Liverpool were given a soft penalty, which Steven Gerrard scored. We felt cheated at half time. The second half flew by, we still created chances and played well.  Virtually all the 6,000+ Oldham fans stayed behind to applaud the team at the end.

Where was the famous atmosphere? we asked. The Kop was so quiet all game. You hear all this about the magical Kop atmosphere. Even at 5-1 down we were bouncing, singing and proud of our team. Yet Liverpool fans....not a peep from them.

Many of people reading this will think, so what? But for all you who support football league clubs like Bury, Rochdale etc... Will know exactly what it means to go up against big premier league teams. For those that don't understand the feeling.. Best put down that sky remote and go down and support your local team.

The only sour note was one of our players, Tom Adeyemi being racially abused by a section of Liverpool fans leaving him in tears has left a bit of a sour note on it. This occurred when the score was 3-1, after that the team and tom were mentally and physically worn out and it showed with two late Liverpool goals making it 5-1, such a flattering score line for Liverpool and so unfair on us.

Oh when the blues.............

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