Wednesday 25 July 2012

Oldham Athletic Desktop Wallpaper

Oldham Athletic Desktop Wallpaper that i've made (click on image to enlarge)

Olympic £££

I think everyone is getting sick to death of all these Olympic adverts. Whether its a product being sold with red white & blue on it, or athletics selling British made butter or something random like that. It's just non stop adverts all the time. "I'm going to wipe my arse with Olympic toilet roll" just because some pole vault athlete uses it.... Don't think so.
Our athletes don't train like they should be doing, they're too busy stripping for photo shoots tottering about in high heels. Plus we all know what they would like on their subway sandwiches now, because it's been forced down our throats.
If only I hadn't quit playing table tennis for Oldham town team when I was a teenager, I could of been quids in advertising greggs sausage rolls now.

Friday 6 July 2012

Floods with Balotelli

Balotelli isn’t bothered by these floods up in the north west of England. Last spotted in Hebden Bridge.

Okay, maybe a little bit of photoshop might of helped me take the photo ;)

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Thumb Reboot

This week see's the Reboot of Spiderman, Film reboots seem to be the in-thing of late. So how fitting it is that my thumb has decided to join in all the fun.... Well I can't really call this fun! The word "Reboot" means – Doing a “fresh start” re-launch of a previously established franchise or character. This is basically what has happened to my thumb. My thumb was previously in good nick until Hypermobility wore it down & caused so many problems that I needed to get it re-done. With my thumb popping out of joint every day while working, obviously this caused me problems & of course pain. Amazing how much Hpermobility effects people. Wasn't till around only 6 years ago I was diagnosed with it, hypermobile thumb joints & laxity in the wrist joints is where I 1st noticed problems.

So a Left thumb sesamoid arthrodesis is what I've just had done. I previously had my right thumb operated on, over 4 years ago (thumb version 1.0). This time my left was the one (thumb version 2.0). It's basically the same operation but updated with a new way of pinning my thumb, new wire method and a different way that my thumb was cut open.


The operation itself was fairly easy for me as I just slept through it. I find the general operation is so much easier. It's best not knowing what they are doing with your hand. I did feel a right idiot waiting for my operation, in my dressing gown, slippers & wearing my green dvt tights. Obviously I woke up after it very much out of it. Within an hour or so after coming around, I was on my way home chatting nonsense in the car due to the drugs, straight home & crashed out on the sofa. Took a few days for the anaesthetic to totally leave my system.

It's been nearly four week since I was in hospital for my thumb operation. During these weeks it's been nothing short of a nightmare. So many nights without getting any sleep due to either the pain or just couldn't get comfy due to only being able to lye certain ways. I had forgot how difficult it is to do anything with one hand. Amazing how hard it is to undo a bottle or open a can and as for showering, now that was tricky trying to keep my hand from getting wet. I've even had to buy new trainers and bottoms that I can put on without having to tie laces or fasten buttons, you must try fastening shoe laces with just one hand, now that's tricky! Plus not being able to do anything is so frustrating. I tried watching television & films but kept falling asleep due to not sleeping much in the evening. The mornings of watching Jeremy Kyle have turned into the highlight of my days, how sad is that?! The weather has been so lousy I've not been able to get out the house much. Trips to asda haven't been much fun, so many people pay no attention to the fact your in a cast.

Thumb 2.0

Anyway my pin comes out tomorrow (see above), which I'm not looking forward to at all. A pair of pliers will be waiting for me in the hospital to pull it out as long as my thumb is healed enough to remove the pin. I can feel the hot sweats coming on now just thinking about it. It looks like something from a saw movie!

Thumb 1.0
Thumb 1.0

Here's thumb 1.0 from a few years ago