Sunday 24 April 2011

Happy Smoggy Easter

How quickly the year goes by the older you get, it's already Easter folks!
So what does Easter mean to everyone?
Is it all about the Lindt chocolate bunnies? Hoping that you get enough to form a bunny army?

For Christians, Easter is the most important festival in the Christian calendar. It celebrates the resurrection from the dead of Jesus, three days after he was executed. The Easter story is at the heart of Christianity.

Or is Easter now all about smog? Yes smog, it's on the lips of everyone, quite literally! I turn on the tele and the news is banging on about smog in London & Manchester.
You just can't win, firstly they say people need to go on holiday to increase local economy in sea side resorts...then they're blaming it on travelling for the increase in pollution causing smog.
Stay inside! Is the warning from the news to old people & asthma sufferers, then two minutes later they're saying "look at the lovely weather, go out and enjoy the sun"
Old people had it far worse in their youth, factories & mills pouring out black smoke. Yet they just got on with it, none of this softy nonsense.

So get out of your bubble, get outside in the smoggy sun, forget how bad chocolate is for you and eat loads of it....I will.

Sunday 17 April 2011

Stuck at a Semi

After watching yesterday's FA Cup semi-final, I feel a sense of injustice that Oldham never overcame that hurdle. Both times we came across Man Utd and failed in the year 1990 & 1994.
The two villains were Mark Robins and more notably Mark Hughes with his 120th minute Equaliser.

That goal in 1994 signalled the steady decline of my club, Oldham Athletic. Relegation followed in that season and it's been down hill since, now stuck in League One.
Looking on the bright side, I'm so glad I got to experience the cup run in 1989/90 where as well as reaching the FA Cup semi-final we reached the League Cup Final against Notts Forest where we lost 1-0 and finished 8th in the old second division.
Here was the cup run or as Latics fans call it "the pinch-me-season"

League Cup 89/90
2nd rnd Oldham 2-1 Leeds (1st leg)
2nd rnd Leeds 1-2 Oldham (2nd leg)
3rd Oldham 7-0 Scarborough
4th Oldham 3-1 Arsenal
5th Southampton 2-2 Oldham
5th Oldham 2-0 Southampton (replay)
Semi Oldham 6-0 West Ham (1st leg)
Semi West Ham 3-0 Oldham (2nd leg)
Final Oldham 0-1 Notts Forest

FA cup 89/90
Birmingham 1-1 Oldham
Oldham 1-0 Birmingham (replay)
Oldham 2-1 Brighton
Oldham 2-2 Everton
Everton 1-1 Oldham (replay)
Oldham 2-1 Everton (replay)
Oldham 3-0 Aston Villa
Oldham 3-3 Man Utd
Oldham 1-2 Man Utd (replay)

The 1989/90 squad contained stars such as:
Earl Barrett, Frank Bunn, Nick Henry, Rick Holden, Dennis Irwin, Ian Marshall, Mike Milligan, Roger Palmer, Paul Warhurst and of course Andy Ritchie
Managed by Joe Royle

Those days seem a long time ago now, we must be due a change of luck soon!

Ps. Well done City

Saturday 9 April 2011


Before you Brian Cox fanatics jump all over me about cavemen not being around the same time as dinosaurs, I know! Gayasaurus just seemed a good title, plus remove the R & turn the 1st U to a N and you get a new word. Childish I know!

The World's first gay caveman has been discovered!
Ancient humans remains are thought to be those of a gay man based on the way he was buried.

Rupert was found in the Czech Republic. His remains were curiously positioned and buried in a way that is usually only seen in female burials. Alongside him archaeologists found several household jugs but no sign of any weapons.
Maybe he was such a bad shot they told him not to bother hunting, bet he was last pick on the hunting team. So therefore he decided he might as well just stay back at the cave and learn cooking.

Archaeologists do not think it was a mistake or coincidence given the importance attached to funerals during the period, people from this period took funeral rites very seriously so it is highly unlikely that this positioning was a mistake.
So why have funeral rites changed so much these days, why aren't we buried with our instruments of our work?
For me it would be printer stuff, Not sure how this would work with prostitutes, their clients wouldn't be too happy going to have a early grave!

So gays were "out" in the stone age. Not sure why with cavewomen looking like Raquel Welch One Million Years Ago B.C.

I'm calling him Rupert. Good job Rupert didn't turn all his friends gay or mankind wouldn't of discovered the wheel and died out because they wouldn't move on from the hole!

Friday 8 April 2011

Quick Finger Update

After my accident at the end of last year my finger has been slowly trying to get back to normal. Except from the fact it still looks a little flat. Here was my 1st blog on the accident.
After 3 months a nail finally started to appear, so I thought things are looking up but not anymore. Looks like my nail is starting to grow into my finger!!!

Here's how it looked

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday 4 April 2011

Sweet smell of?

With 3D making a massive come back these past couple of years how long till Smell-O-Vision makes a return?
The last time we saw or should i say, smelt it was way back In 1995 the BBC's Children in Need brought scratch and sniff smell-o-vision to the masses. Through the Saturday evening family show Noel Edmond's House Party, viewers could experience various odours to complement their television experience. It never really worked well, with most smells seeming the same.

How would it work in this day and age?

"Top Gear" these days, Clarkson and co spend more time worrying about their hair than the cars, so a scratch n sniff card with old spice, hairspray and petrol fumes would do for the show. Ideal for middle aged men sat at their couch watching it.

"Skins" would contain the smell of a teenagers bedroom, beer and the smell of fags or weed. Not to be smelt if you have a weak stomach or too early in the morning!

"The only way is Essex" I challenge you to even sit through an episode, this is one poor show. Yet if Smell-O-Vision happens you could enjoy the smell of fake tan, hair spray & the odour de le skank perfume.

"what Katie did next" (see above)

I can't see Smell-O-Vision returning anytime soon, Thankfully looking at the shows above.... But who knows?

There must be a plus side to it - cooking with the lovely Nigella Lawson must smell nice!

Let's keep it as it is for now, no sniffing cards in front of the tele sniffing them like you've just found Kelly Brooks underwear or the pants from a member of JLS! You don't wanna be sat in my front room with daft 3D shades on watching football WHEN YOU COULD ACTUALLY BE THERE IN THE STADIUM WATCHING IT FOR REAL.
Get outside and experience REAL life!