Friday 1 July 2011

Barcode madness

The barcode craze seems to just getting started but what's all the fuss all about?
Right lets get the technical stuff out the way. A barcode is an optical machine-readable representation of data, which shows data about the object to which it attaches. Originally, barcodes represented data by varying the widths and spacings of parallel lines. Later they evolved into rectanglesdotshexagons and other geometric patterns in 2D.

Barcodes years ago were only scanned using handheld barcode readers. Not anymore, In the last couple of years due to the popularity of  smart phones, you can pick up your phone and scan a barcode to check the price and even watch a new film trailer or website just by scanning a barcode. Its come along way since the first barcode scanning of  a pack of Wrigley Company chewing gum in June 1974.
Are people now going to get a tattoo of a barcode on their body, so people can scan them. It will start off a new craze of walking advertising. 
So before i get my Blog link Tattooed on my head i thought i would try it on here: 
Using your phone scanning  app, scan the barcode below on your computers screen or on a separate phone & it should give you a link so you'll be able to view my blog on your phone. Also a good way of sharing the blog address.
Just hope they don't bring back the the Barcode Battler handheld gaming console! it was released way back in 1991 when i was a kid.
The console was supplied with a number of cards, each of which had a barcode. Upon starting the game, the player must swipe a barcode representing a player. The game uses barcodes to create a character for the player to use.  Some barcodes activated enemies or powerups. As well as the barcodes provided with the game itself you could find and scan barcodes from everyday products like food and cleaning products with would give you monsters and power ups.
Once the game itself is started, the characters "battle" against each other. The characters' statistics were applied to a random number generator to determine the outcome of each round in the fight.
it wasn't much popular at my school, i think only one person had one.
So lets sod ID cards and just tattoo everyone who's commited a serious crime with thier own Barcode ID on their neck. Which list all the crimes committed by the person!

1 comment:

  1. When you talk about 2D barcodes, I think you mean a QR code which is very different from a barcode. A barcode can only contain a numerical value which needs to be referenced to a database for context, whereas the QR code encodes the information directly. I suppose if convicts had their crimes tatooed on their necks it would dissuade them from further crimes as they would need to have the old QR code removed and a new one added each time! ouch..
