Sunday 17 July 2011

It's Nearly here

I finally picked up my season ticket for Oldham yesterday from Boundary Park (the home of football) Finally feels like the football season is just around the corner now. Pre-season friendlies have begun, a couple of players signed. The word "Excited" comes to mind. You seem to forgot about last seasons woes, its like a fresh start. however the team pissed you off or annoyed you, its forgotten about now but yet you still always seem to hold some things against certain players : like the striker who can't score or the keeper who can't hold the ball and causes the defence to panic and certainly isn't a brilliant keeper.

The fun of the message boards, rumours about who your team is signing or selling keeps you on your toes till the season begins. Also the new kit release is always fun, clubs are always looking for a new way of getting it noticed. Like this season Man City are using the lesser of the Gallagher brothers to help promote it in a very over the top video.
Oldham even used former Page 3 model and local girl Michelle Marsh to help with the kit launch back in 2004. The new kit worn by Michelle Marsh was beamed onto Oldham the town centres main building. Which got more than a thumbs up from most Oldham fans.

So with just a few weeks to go before the season begins, for non football fans this means its the start of Hell. Arguments will begin at this point with the Wife or Girlfriend over the football. The same words about "why you watching this, you don't even support them"  will be heard through out the land. Some kind of Football game will be on TV nearly every day come the start of August right through to May. I think this is why Sky Sports brought it out on mobile TV, so you can always resort to watching it on your phone when you can't get near the TV.  At least football has a break, TV soaps are on nearly every day and all year round. Best idea is to find a women who hates TV soaps & loves watching football.....problem solved.

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