Wednesday 12 January 2011

Football Love or Football Hate?

Why do I love football so much? Even after it shows no love or respect for me?

My team Oldham Athletic have fallen down the football ladder. If we were playing snakes n ladders, we would have landed on square 98 and sliding down the big snake all the way to square 18.
Between 1989 and 1994 we were in football heaven, in the Premier League for 3 seasons, 2 FA Cup semi finals and one League cup final. Gates of nearly 20,000. Entertaining and attacking football.

The year is 2011, so where are we now? Well... Stuck in the 3rd tier of English League football. A stadium that is falling down & now only has 3 stands. New stadiums plans change more times than David Beckham's hair style. Gates have dropped to around 4,000. Fans deserted us, jumping on band wagon of Man Utd or Man City, (only a stones throw away from our current ground). The product on the field has also dropped with lack of investment.

Last night I was one of the 3,767 fans for Oldham v Southampton. Wish I hadn't gone. We lost 6-0!!! Southampton were brilliant and deserve to be in a higher league but we did not play well. Maybe the worst Oldham game I have ever seen, and I've been going since 1989.

We need a change of luck or I can see my team disappearing in a few years from now!

But, I still can't wait for the next home game! I love my club and will always do no matter what, I'll be a season ticket holder all my life. It's in my blood and it will never go. Ever since my dad took me to my 1st Oldham game all them years ago, Oldham Athletic have been a big part of my life.... I hope always will be.

Support your local team people, they need you! Turn off your Sky Sports, leave that armchair, and go and support your team!
But stick on your hat, scarf and gloves if your going to watch Oldham because it's freezing!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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