Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Its time for a chat about the Birds & the Bees

Its time for a chat about the Birds & the Bees people.
Basically this is when a man and a women cuddle in bed together very tightly. OK, now that's explained its down to the serious stuff.

New Research by American Scientists claim that Sudden bursts of physical activity - such as having sex can significantly increase the risk of having a heart attack! 

The scientists say the chances of cardiac arrest during or immediately after sexual exertions are particularly high among people who do not get regular exercise. They studied  the link between exercise, sex and the risk of heart attacks or sudden cardiac death.

They found people are 3.5 times more likely suffer one of the two when they are exercising compared to when they are not.
And they are 2.7 times more likely to have a heart attack either during or immediately after sex compared with when they are inactive.

They say "These elevated risks are only for a short period of time (one to two hours) during and after the physical or sexual activity,"
"If you take 1,000 people, each individual session of physical or sexual activity per week can be associated with an increase of 1 to 2 cases of heart attack or sudden cardiac death per year,"
"What we really don't want to do is for the public to walk away from this and think exercise is bad," she said.
She said it meant people who did not work out regularly needed to start any exercise programme slowly, gradually increasing its intensity over time.

So Don't show this blog to the wife or girlfriend
The headache excuse or the tired excuse won't be used anymore after reading this. They know they have the Trump card "death".  They will turn to you and say "sorry love, but i could die doing this" and what can you say to that?!

Also it seems from the research, that if your unfit you should think twice about doing the business, cut down on them pies lad.

Plus does this mean if you pull a fat bird out in the club and she dies whilst your doing the business you could get arrested for murder?
It must Just depends if the Police class what you used as a Weapon!

Wednesday, 23 March 2011


Amazing how much you miss something when it's gone!

I'm not talking about the death of some celebrity a-lister where people say you have to feel sad when they die but you've never met them.
I mean my iPhone 4. The other day it died on me, it wouldn't charge at all. Then I realised it only had 10% battery left, panic stations! Thankfully it managed to sync with my PC but it still wouldn't charge.
It passed away quietly in the night. The next day was a nightmare, no phone all day while in work and no visit to the apple geeks until later that night.

You forget how much phones have charged & how much stuff is on them. years ago they did nothing. Now they are your music player, newspaper, calendar, alarm, social network and even tell you when your wife or girlfriend is on her period!!! (so you know to avoid her as much as possible)
They supply you with non stop info all the time. From news about your friend posting "just had a big poo" on Facebook to football results and a live table so you can see Oldham slide down the table :( They have completely changed people's lives these days, sometimes for the good but sometimes for the bad.
I finally got a new phone in it's place thanks to apple.
So my hand can go back to what it was made for - holding my iPhone.

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Saturday, 19 March 2011

JAPAN \m/*.*\m/

With all the shit that's been happening to Japan, lets look at the good things to do with Japan (^_^)
Music  d^_^b
Advert  @_@
Film  ʘ‿ʘ

TV  \m/*.*\m/
Learn Japanese (^_~)

Sayonara (^_^)

Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Fund (click link below)

Travel bored? Not anymore

Do you sit on your Train, Bus or Tram and feel so bored?
Nothing to pass the time with, your iPhone is low on battery, A load of Chavs are on the bus, so best not get your iPad out.
Well here's a game to play, nothing needed except your own mind and eyes.

The game is called "passenger paradise or passenger hell"
Works best when your on your own without your partner, or involve your partner but be prepared for the words "so you think they're better looking than me?!"

* Look around who's on your bus, now imagine there's an end of the world scenario. Yet your bus and the people on it are the only people left in the world.

* Look at them people. What are they like? old, young, fat or thin?

* Now choose who you would be prepared to carry on the human race with.....or not and let mankind die! It's a bit like snog, marry or avoid.

* The more people, the more choice you get.

* The less people, the worse it could be, the worse for mankind

you could hit a jackpot day with plenty of attractive people to Carry on the human race OR it could be disaster and your bus could be full of old & ugly people OR even worse..... same sex, George Michael with be more than happy with this situation as would Elton John, who would be hoping there was a baby on board that he could adopt.
Jordan would no doubt work her way round all the male passengers, playing them off against each other to see who wins.

Everyone can play it, it's fun to see who you would end up with if the world all around you ends and all that remains is your fellow commuters.

Remember it is a game for your own mind. Dont be teasing your favourite old person with a werthers originals to win their affection for the end of the world!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Red Nose Day

Please help India Reynolds by donating to her Comic Relief just giving page. You might ask "what do I get back?" well.. India will upload a photo of her covered only by red noses for every £100 raised!!
So get your hand in your........pocket and donate some money for Comic Relief!!!

Twitter page @indiareynolds

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Tic Tic Tic Tic Boom

My 40" Sony Plasma Tele blew up last week :(
I was sat playing on my 360 when the screen flickered & smoke started coming out of the top.
With no spare tele and no money. It's back to the stone age for now.... A Tele with just a scart plug and a huge arse but beggars can't be choosers.
Must say Xbox isn't looking the best.

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Votes for Women

Many years ago I took part in a school play about Women's right to vote.
Women wanting to be treated equal as men. That got what they wanted, them many years ago & got the right to vote.

The year is 2011 and the women are moaning again...The European Court of Justice ruled it was against the law to use a person's sex when determining the cost of insurance. Premiums for women are set to rise in 22 months' time EQUAL with men!

Yet Women now don't want to be treated the same as Men especially for Car insurance. Deal with it ladies, not all women are careful drivers, not all men are boy racers. So why have men been discriminated against for so long when it comes to Car insurance?
No more of them Sheila's wheels adverts... I hope.

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