Wednesday 30 March 2011

Its time for a chat about the Birds & the Bees

Its time for a chat about the Birds & the Bees people.
Basically this is when a man and a women cuddle in bed together very tightly. OK, now that's explained its down to the serious stuff.

New Research by American Scientists claim that Sudden bursts of physical activity - such as having sex can significantly increase the risk of having a heart attack! 

The scientists say the chances of cardiac arrest during or immediately after sexual exertions are particularly high among people who do not get regular exercise. They studied  the link between exercise, sex and the risk of heart attacks or sudden cardiac death.

They found people are 3.5 times more likely suffer one of the two when they are exercising compared to when they are not.
And they are 2.7 times more likely to have a heart attack either during or immediately after sex compared with when they are inactive.

They say "These elevated risks are only for a short period of time (one to two hours) during and after the physical or sexual activity,"
"If you take 1,000 people, each individual session of physical or sexual activity per week can be associated with an increase of 1 to 2 cases of heart attack or sudden cardiac death per year,"
"What we really don't want to do is for the public to walk away from this and think exercise is bad," she said.
She said it meant people who did not work out regularly needed to start any exercise programme slowly, gradually increasing its intensity over time.

So Don't show this blog to the wife or girlfriend
The headache excuse or the tired excuse won't be used anymore after reading this. They know they have the Trump card "death".  They will turn to you and say "sorry love, but i could die doing this" and what can you say to that?!

Also it seems from the research, that if your unfit you should think twice about doing the business, cut down on them pies lad.

Plus does this mean if you pull a fat bird out in the club and she dies whilst your doing the business you could get arrested for murder?
It must Just depends if the Police class what you used as a Weapon!

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