Sunday 6 March 2011

Votes for Women

Many years ago I took part in a school play about Women's right to vote.
Women wanting to be treated equal as men. That got what they wanted, them many years ago & got the right to vote.

The year is 2011 and the women are moaning again...The European Court of Justice ruled it was against the law to use a person's sex when determining the cost of insurance. Premiums for women are set to rise in 22 months' time EQUAL with men!

Yet Women now don't want to be treated the same as Men especially for Car insurance. Deal with it ladies, not all women are careful drivers, not all men are boy racers. So why have men been discriminated against for so long when it comes to Car insurance?
No more of them Sheila's wheels adverts... I hope.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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