Monday 1 October 2012

Pedigree Rulers

Amazing how dogs seem to have taken over the world on the sly, we've hardly noticed it has happened.
Who would of thought 20 years ago or so, that dogs would be jumping for joy after watching their owner pick up their shit and put it in a bag. They must love it knowing that they can run anywhere and someone will chase after them with a asda carrier bag waiting for them to poo.
They even are treated to holiday kennels by some people, some food costs even more than our food & they have doggy shampoo
Surely dogs are on a par with babies now. We treat them the same. As well as cleaning up their poo, We even talk to them in a different voice.
Now we dress them up in little outfits and some people stuff them in handbags - (the dogs, not babies) but who knows, baby bags could be the next IN-thing!
Plus if the baby cries too much, just zip up the bag!
Can't wait to see what dogs get next, maybe we'll be carrying umbrellas to keep them dry when we take them for walkies while we get pissed wet through.

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