Saturday 31 December 2011

New Years Resolution

So only a few hours from 2012, let's hope it's better than 2011. 2012 promises a lot, some good and some not so good. A trip to Anfield for us Oldham fans is a fantastic start to the year. Never in a million years did I think we would be playing Liverpool. Plus a trip to Wembley could be happening if we can get past Chesterfield. Was about time we deserved a change of luck.

On a personal note, another operation on my thumb is whats coming for me in 2012. Signed the form saying if they screw up and damage anything else I won't sue, well I can't see how they can make my hands any worse, bloody hypermobility! I finished 2011 with a dodgy hip, yet again hypermobility was the culprit. being bendy has more disadvantages than advantages I've found out over the years.
So please for the new year can I have a new body with fully working parts. An andy2.0 would be great!
So enjoy your new years eve, whether it's getting rat arsed or just spending it with the people you love, have a good one!

Sunday 4 December 2011

Get them down from the loft

Christmas comes once a year. Plenty of decisions, who to buy for? Where to spend Christmas dinner? And more importantly, when can we put up our decorations?

The 1st of December is and sadly WAS my chosen day. I could of gone with when the Coca Cola advert premieres. But with that being in November, even i think that was a little bit early. Plus I already got a Christmas present in November from Emmy the Great and Tim Wheeler, This Is Christmas gift wrapped Album.

My argument is when the advent calendar goes up, so should your decorations! So if people don't want them up till 12 days before Christmas, then no advent calendar chocolates for them till they go up. Neither should they be allowed to go to Christmas markets or watch Christmas films.

Sadly I lost, so no decorations in my house till 12 days before Christmas. Even my argument that TV Goddess Holly Willoughby has put her tree up didn't work.

Monday 28 November 2011

Bloated to the max

I turn on the television and it's full of adverts for tablets to help with a bloated stomach. It's always women with them on the adverts. Do men get them? Is it only women?
The advert always have some women on a coffee afternoon with her friends rubbing her stomach. Maybe she's had too many chocolate cakes or coffee, NO, its something only women get - bloated stomach! Why doesn't one of her friends say "Sally, I think you've had too many cinnamon whirls you fat cow" us men would say that to each other.
Why do we have to invent problems that aren't really there? Bloated stomach means basically you've: eaten too much, drank too much fizzy pop or sparkling wine for the women of leisure or you really need to let out some wind.
This is where women fall short and suffer from a bloated stomach. Men fart loads and have no problems with a bloated stomach.
So in conclusion, sod taking a tablet, just forget being a classy lady. Don't feel like you have sinned for letting out some wind.

Monday 31 October 2011

Those Pesky Kids

So Halloween is here, me being a miserable sod at times, i don't like it. I've never understood the need to celebrate Halloween. I've always thought of it as an American celebration, not something for us English folks. I first saw it in the film E.T. I'm sure that's how us folks in England got to see how Halloween is done. Every shop seems to join in the Halloween fun, the shops are full of cheap crap, green & black sweets and more rubber toys than Ann summers.

As for kids knocking on your door, what I pain that is!
I never did it when I was young, I never had the urge to go begging around the streets dressed as some freaky ghost thing.
Kids knocking time and time again days before Halloween. I feel like a prisoner in my own house, so fed up of answering the door to soon to be chavs with a black bin bag over their head wanting money rather than sweets. I've even resorted to turning down the TV, dimming the lights and keeping quiet when i hear the front gate open.

At least the Halloween films are something to enjoy but after spending two years in a haunted flat in Oldham the real experience definitely wasn't something to enjoy. Sleepless nights, banging on walls inside our room, moving items and strange happens.
I've never ever been so scared in my life when I was home alone one night in particular. I was at the sink washing up, yes men do wash up. I could hear footsteps slowly coming up behind me, like someone dragging their feet on the carpet. As it got nearer and nearer I thought "the girlfriend must be thinking she can make me jump by creeping up on me", so as I thought she was right behind me I quickly turned round..... My heart literally stopped, no-one was there, I've never been so scared, then quickly checked the rooms, no-one to be seen or heard, so keys in hand, locked the door and to the local shop I quickly went. I finally returned after a 15 minutes of scoffing chocolate to calm my nerves. I would of lost operation for sure after that, the guy would be dead!

So so glad I'm not living there anymore.
So if you here bangs or knocks in the night and your all alone..... It's probably them pesky kids begging for money at the front door - but then could be the central heating boiler - but then could be the dog - but then could be the wife - but then again it could be something far scarier than the wife! YES it is possible.
It could be something else you can't explain, if so, run!

So Remember.....Don't have nightmares!

Wednesday 19 October 2011

A right stitch up

Last week my Stitches were finally taken out, after the long wait i was finally seen. She confirmed that no cancer had shown up in the test results. Basically i was told, it's a skin deformity that caused growths around my nipple area. These were removed and that's what were sent for tests to be done on.
The stitches took some time pulling out and wasn't the nicest of experiences I've ever had. But It's not every day you get pulled by a polish nurse!

My page 3 dreams are over :)
But everything is clear & no further treatment is needed.

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Sunday 9 October 2011

A short n nippy update

So just over a week since my hospital session.
A week of strange sensations I have experienced was something that I didn't expect. As well as the usual twinges and pain when I stretch for things. A good stretch in the morning is something that has turned into a challenge to have a good stretch without pulling my stitches out.
The changes in the weather hasn't helped, It's gone too cold & we all know what nipples do when they get cold!
Well after part has been cut off mine It's not been fun when I get a cold chill.
Another thing I've discovered is that ice-cream sends a chill straight to the spot.
Only a few days till I find out what caused the problem.
So I hope it warms up a bit it's a bit too nippy for me!

If you missed what I'm on about here's my previous post:

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Thursday 29 September 2011

Keeping you abreast of things

So glad that is over with, 2 weeks of sleepless nights thinking what if?

Two weeks ago the doctor referred me to have a breast scan. I had a funny looking growth nipple area. Like most men I thought it can't be anything I'm a man, only women get that sort of problems. I plucked up the courage to go and see my doctor. Which resulted in me being sent to Oldham breast cancer unit to make sure it isn't anything serious.

It was very weird because everyone in the waiting room must of thought it was the wife and not me who was there for the tests but the nurses told me they do get more men than you would think.

Firstly, I was taken into a room where I was questioned about the usual stuff by a very nice Polish consultant; even asked if I took steroids, she must of been impressed when I took off my top....doubt it.

Win number one, after she has had a feel around, no other lumps or problems, which was a big relief. So next to come was the ultrasound scan to check behind the nipple area, the gel was nice & warm, again no cancer cells lurking about so Good news, no cancer!

A trip to the medical illustrations was next because the specialist hadn't seen the growths like mine before and wanted photos for future medical purposes & research. Another medical study on the Husky!

Once back, the next thing was a local anaesthetic, which I wasn't looking forward to one bit. I said yes to doing it, signed the paper work & then thought, "shit! What have I just let them do?"

Well a biopsy on my nipple area was what was to come.

In they came with the tools from a horror film. Whilst I was lay down listening to them decide what size needle to use, I decided to chirp in and said, "smallest please".

Having a big needle poked into 3 sides of your nipple isn't fun. Once it had numbed I had some cut off and sent for analysis. They're was a lot of blood. So had to have stitches in. Hey but I didn't faint! But I did go pail for a bit.

I get the results & the stitches out in 2 weeks. At least it isn't cancer but the results will show what has caused the growth.

So...Everything is fine. Sorry if I didn't tell people before but wanted to wait till the dreaded C word was kicked into touch.

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Saturday 10 September 2011

You Stole the Sun!

Why do us British have such a love of the weather? It doesn't really effect us like it does in places such as Russia, Alaska etc... Yet we are obsessed by the weather. As long as i can remember, mine like most parents always were more interested in the weather than the news at times. Why?

Everyone knows how the weather works, its nice and sunny when your stuck in work but then it decides to rain just at weekend as your planning trips. We don't have much sun here in the North West so maybe that's why we sit with bated breath waiting to see if Mr Sun will show his face.
When your young the weather takes on a different meaning like:
Rain = God is watching the dishes, or hes crying because you've been naughty.
Snow = God is brushing his Dandruff away.
Thunder = God is very angry with you.
Windy = God is drying his hair.
There are loads more gems like this that you are told as a kid.
It doesn't stop there, the weather presenter is a main feature. When i was a kid John Kettley was the main man, his classic jumpers and terrible tops were a joy to behold. Fred the Weather Man here in the North West is still on the TV, I've even got his autograph. He is a bit eccentric with even crazier jumpers. I also remember some guy on itv in the morning who always looked scruffy and like he had just got in from a long night out.

I think Ulrika Jonsson really kick started the love for weather in England. At times she couldn't get through the weather without giggling or messing something up, but that's what we all loved about her. Back then you would of never thought The England manager would be impressed on how she could handle balls better than most England Keepers!
Recently a few of the older weather people have moved along to allow fresh young talent through, like the lovely Lucy Verasamy. who brings back not only the fun and personalty into the weather reports but also something to look at too.

I've come to the conclusion that we love the weather presenters because they brighten up our dull weather in England.

Today in Oldham it's Cold, Windy and looks like rain.

Monday 29 August 2011

Scream if you wanna go faster

Today we had a trip in to Manchester, not to steal a TV or a pair of designer jeans from a burnt out shop but to watch Jenson Button in his Mclaren F1 race around the streets of Manchester. It was all part of a big thank you from Vodaphone for making them lots of money.
A short race circuit was set up from Deansgate to Albert Square in Manchester City Centre.
We arrived a bit early so we could try and see Jenson Button. The start line was opposite the Hilton Hotel, where Jenson was staying. A few sporting celebs were around, Amir Kahn & Michael Vaughan. We finally saw Jenson come out the hotel and into the makeshift garage.

So then we made our way to find a decent viewing spot. This was more difficult than we thought, women with prams were causing mayem! As hard as we tried we couldn't get a good view. We decided to go into the Vodaphone VIP section, which had various Mclaren things in, a gift shop, F1 cars, go-karts and a few other things.
We finally found a spot at the end of the circuit but still not the best view.

When the F1 car finally came god it was loud!
He came round a few times, so got to take some video's & photos.

That was it then, everyone started heading off so did we. Then over the speakers they said  Jenson would be going out again in 20mins.... Everyone raced to get back to the side of the track. We decided to go for the vodaphone VIP viewing stand to get a better view, it only holds 30 or so people. We managed to get on it, glad I was a vodaphone  customer which got me access to it.

Then the rain came while we waited, typical Manchester weather. Just as he was due out some guy decided to put his umbrella up, blocking our view.
Thankfully he put it down.
Button came round a couple more times, he stalled it at the donut point, so he had to get out and run to the end.

Had a great day watching an F1 car race around Manchester. Plus increased my love for F1.
Silverstone next year, I think.

Here's my video's i managed to film.....

Thursday 18 August 2011

Sleeping with the fishes

Too many people, not enough room. That's the problem with our planet, not the living but the dead! Were running out of room to bury people. So I have a cunning plan.....
The sea is the answer, its big, will always be here, not much in it other than fish but it's the surface which can be used.

So basically it's a floating graveyard, with out the hassle. Water tight Coffins & urns that sit just under the surface. Also the family coat of arms on flags can be used on the water surface.
Areas will be roped off away from sea traffic. The last thing we want is a boat dragging a few coffins along the sea.
Visiting will create a family day out and bring the family together, with a trip to the seaside, with boats to hire to venture out and spend a peaceful time on the sea reflecting on a lost loved one.
Also this means family members can be kept or moved together if they wish.
This will help the British coast line industries & create/free up land space.
I think it would work, not sure health & safety would agree to dead boddies in coffins floating around in the English channel. Of course the coffins would be water-tight.

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Tuesday 16 August 2011

The lesser spotted Oldham fan

If the BBC did a wildlife documentary about Oldham fans, it would go something like this:

The decline of the Oldham fan is something that has been ongoing for the past 15 years. While the fellow neighbours have thrived. Some 10,000 have migrated to the plains of the rich, fertile land of the city of Manchester.
The clubs local watering hole was pulled down a few Years ago which hasn't helped attract or maintain the dwindling numbers.
Though the numbers of Oldham fans has suffered due to poaching, loss of quality habitat, and loss of its entertainment, there is still hope.

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Saturday 13 August 2011

Dastardly and Muttley

Just seen Dastardly and Muttley roaming the streets of Oldham, I know we have a pigeon problem in Oldham but why bring in this pair?

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Monday 8 August 2011

Northerners are superior to southerners

Scientists say the Northern brain is bigger than those of the South.
But it's not all victorious for us Northerners, this doesn't make us any brainier (as you can guess by reading my blog)

The big brain simply helps northerners see clearly in the lower light levels that come with living at high latitudes like up near the pennines. So the lack of light up North led to the evolution of bigger brains.

This theory comes from Oxford University scientists who measured the brain volume of 55 skulls from around the world.

Some were English, others came from as far afield as China, Africa and the Pacific Islands.
Matching brain volume with the geographical location of the person’s country showed that the further north they lived, the bigger their brain.

Scandinavians had the most brain power and Pacific Islanders the least. Measurements of the eye sockets also showed that those from northern areas had bigger eyes.
So bigger eyes to take in the beauty of the Lancashire.

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Saturday 30 July 2011

Please no more ice cream

Last weekend I spent the Sunday in a park with FREE ice cream!
Not just any ice-cream but Ben & Jerry's ice cream.
It was the first Ben & Jerry's festival in Manchester. For all of £17 this included great bands, a mini farm, games, activities and all you can eat ice cream!
I had 20 Ben & Jerry's flavours to choose from from, I sadly couldn't do all of them, i wanted to but just couldn't. Strawberry cheese cake, cookie dough and chunky monkey were a few of my favourites.

The bands playing were a couple of small bands to start with, then Steve Craddock. Plus we also saw on the acoustic stage a great female singer called "she makes war" definitely one to watch out for.

Next on was Ash who just happen to be my all time favourite band since way back in 1994. Hit singles "girl from mars", "Kung Fu and "Angel Interceptor" really started it off for them in 1996 and they're still going strong now as they showed by their performance on the day playing a variation of mainly classics with a few new songs thrown in.

Fun lovin' Criminals were next on. A band who I've once seen playing in Oldham town centre on a Sunday afternoon, yes Oldham town centre.
They always play a great set and with the hot sun out you almost felt you were in the states watching them.

The headline act was Ocean Colour Scene, who like Ash have been around for a good few years. Yet again another great band. A nice end to the evening with the sun going down listening to some great anthems.

I just hope they do it again next year, I'll stay off food a few days before then try and eat all 20 flavours next time.

Plus I got sun burnt, even in Manchester you can get sun burnt!

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Sunday 17 July 2011

It's Nearly here

I finally picked up my season ticket for Oldham yesterday from Boundary Park (the home of football) Finally feels like the football season is just around the corner now. Pre-season friendlies have begun, a couple of players signed. The word "Excited" comes to mind. You seem to forgot about last seasons woes, its like a fresh start. however the team pissed you off or annoyed you, its forgotten about now but yet you still always seem to hold some things against certain players : like the striker who can't score or the keeper who can't hold the ball and causes the defence to panic and certainly isn't a brilliant keeper.

The fun of the message boards, rumours about who your team is signing or selling keeps you on your toes till the season begins. Also the new kit release is always fun, clubs are always looking for a new way of getting it noticed. Like this season Man City are using the lesser of the Gallagher brothers to help promote it in a very over the top video.
Oldham even used former Page 3 model and local girl Michelle Marsh to help with the kit launch back in 2004. The new kit worn by Michelle Marsh was beamed onto Oldham the town centres main building. Which got more than a thumbs up from most Oldham fans.

So with just a few weeks to go before the season begins, for non football fans this means its the start of Hell. Arguments will begin at this point with the Wife or Girlfriend over the football. The same words about "why you watching this, you don't even support them"  will be heard through out the land. Some kind of Football game will be on TV nearly every day come the start of August right through to May. I think this is why Sky Sports brought it out on mobile TV, so you can always resort to watching it on your phone when you can't get near the TV.  At least football has a break, TV soaps are on nearly every day and all year round. Best idea is to find a women who hates TV soaps & loves watching football.....problem solved.

Saturday 9 July 2011

yr iaith Gymraeg

Is it me or is nearly every advert these days spoke over by a welsh person? Joanna Page from Gavin and Stacey seems to be the one who's the main culprit. This could be that apart from Gavin and Stacey she's a very limited acctress. She seems to be riding on the success of the Gavin and Stacey series. Already she has done voice overs for Kingsmill Bread, Carphone Warehouse and various others.
Two of  my favourite old shows made me love the Welsh accent were Will Cwac Cwac and Ivor the Engine.
Will Cwac Cwac
Ivor the Engine
Will Cwac Cwac was on from 1984 to 1986 and was a story of  a welsh duck living with his parents in a little farm house where he would go out and have lots of adventures. Ivor the Engine  was a story  about a train who likes to whistle and has a mind of his own.
There's nothing wrong with the Welsh accent but there is no need for it to be everywhere on every advert, Leave it to kids TV programmes. This is where the Welsh accent is perfect for. Story telling by a Welsh accent is nice and relaxing especially when you are a kid. 
I'm not having a go at the Welsh People unlike this guy who asked " Why are some Welsh people dark?" and the answer he was given was "something to do with the coal" see link:
If i had my own way, the Women who did the voice over for the M&S adverts who be doing the voice over for every advert.
She even makes me want to eat Lincolnshire red cabbage and i HATE cabbage!

Friday 1 July 2011

Barcode madness

The barcode craze seems to just getting started but what's all the fuss all about?
Right lets get the technical stuff out the way. A barcode is an optical machine-readable representation of data, which shows data about the object to which it attaches. Originally, barcodes represented data by varying the widths and spacings of parallel lines. Later they evolved into rectanglesdotshexagons and other geometric patterns in 2D.

Barcodes years ago were only scanned using handheld barcode readers. Not anymore, In the last couple of years due to the popularity of  smart phones, you can pick up your phone and scan a barcode to check the price and even watch a new film trailer or website just by scanning a barcode. Its come along way since the first barcode scanning of  a pack of Wrigley Company chewing gum in June 1974.
Are people now going to get a tattoo of a barcode on their body, so people can scan them. It will start off a new craze of walking advertising. 
So before i get my Blog link Tattooed on my head i thought i would try it on here: 
Using your phone scanning  app, scan the barcode below on your computers screen or on a separate phone & it should give you a link so you'll be able to view my blog on your phone. Also a good way of sharing the blog address.
Just hope they don't bring back the the Barcode Battler handheld gaming console! it was released way back in 1991 when i was a kid.
The console was supplied with a number of cards, each of which had a barcode. Upon starting the game, the player must swipe a barcode representing a player. The game uses barcodes to create a character for the player to use.  Some barcodes activated enemies or powerups. As well as the barcodes provided with the game itself you could find and scan barcodes from everyday products like food and cleaning products with would give you monsters and power ups.
Once the game itself is started, the characters "battle" against each other. The characters' statistics were applied to a random number generator to determine the outcome of each round in the fight.
it wasn't much popular at my school, i think only one person had one.
So lets sod ID cards and just tattoo everyone who's commited a serious crime with thier own Barcode ID on their neck. Which list all the crimes committed by the person!

Monday 27 June 2011

Baby Baby Baby

I discovered something last week
After 21 weeks babies have rapid eye movement (REM); a key component to any healthy baby's sleep schedule, that indicates they're now capable of dreaming.
What can they possibly dream about? They have no idea about life outside the womb. No dreams of ginger bread houses and fun things like that.
So dreaming of being upside down in the womb us the best it gets for the soon to be new born baby.
Inside the womb the baby at 21 weeks will have very thin skin that is very red and translucent, and a bit wrinkled. So they will kind of resemble E.T's glowing red finger.

It's memory also develops at this stage, like with the dreaming, it can't be much use to the baby, it's like having a super power that you can't use. Like penguins having wings but not being able to fly.
Surely the big man above should of switched on dreaming and memory for babies once they are born. Why waste it before when they will lose it 80 years on in their life!

On a separate note, while looking for a picture of E.T's finger I saw this....

Not sure who this is aimed for?
Children or Adults?

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Thursday 16 June 2011

Fixture Eve

Tomorrow is when the English Football fixtures are released.
In a year with no World Cup or European Championship, this day couldn't come sooner.
It's like Christmas Eve for fans of newly promoted teams but for relegated teams it's like hell on earth. Checking out the fixture list to see a visit to Carlisle on a Tuesday night rather than a trip to glamour club.
Holidays, Weddings and lots more things are arranged AROUND this list of football fixtures.

The big dates - Opening day fixture, Boxing day, Easter and the last game of the season, which could be all important depending if your teams gunning for promotion or fighting to survive.
Could this be the year for your club?
Or another season that your not looking forward to?

Tomorrow morning will decide my holidays and my away day adventures, depending if it's a midweek game or a Saturday game.

All will be revealed tomorrow morning, I can't wait!

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Sunday 5 June 2011

Cereal Joy Killers

I opened my box of Kellogg's cornflakes this morning and felt that there was something missing . Remember years ago when in a box of cereal you could get a free toy or even further back, tokens to send off for a little model van.
These days the most fun you get from a box of cereal is 25% extra free. Or now the only way to get anything is txt a number and you might win a prize.

The fun you had routing through a box of cereal with your hand trying to feel the plastic wrapper containing the toy. You would sometimes even pull the cereal bag out of the box to look and see where the hell it was if you couldn't find it by touch.
Plus you were never allowed to open the new box of cereal unless the current box was finished. This caused problems if a cool toy was inside the new box.

There were ways to get around this... Empty what little was left into the bottom of the box & leave it near the bin.
Pour it with milk into a bowl and just leave it so it goes soggy & then say your not eating it now.
Or best of all make chocolate cornflake cakes, which is a win win situation, you get to eat them plus they're used up the box so that means the new box can be opened & the toy can be had!
They need to bring them back and stop being such cereal joy killers. Fun for all the Family, who doesn't like being sprayed by a water pistol type toy at 7am when you've just woke up?

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Wednesday 25 May 2011

Sensible Soccer

Who else is clueless about these Super injunctions? It's just something for the rich to get away with things they have done wrong and don't want anyone else to find out about.
The rich can do what they want and don't care about the ordinary people at the bottom who they are trying to punish for gossiping about a certain footballer.
He goes by the name of "The footballer who cannot be named" but it's now know who he is thanks to Twitter, Facebook and the Sun Newspaper.
I'm now going with the Sensible Soccer approach and calling him Raan Goggs.

This is how they did it years ago when football computer games didn't have naming rights, so just made up a name that resembles the person.
Raan Goggs needs to quit now before he's know for being the guy who sued the twitter gang and not as the great footballer he should be remember as.

Friday 20 May 2011

Season over

So the football season is over here in the lower leagues of English football, no play-offs so no extended season. No promotion, so no excitement about the new football season in August. No relegation, so no misery through the summer.

So what does that mean for me? Well being an Oldham Athletic fan, none of the above apply to me. With there being no international tournament this summer the time will surely drag. A few weeks left in the current season for premier league and foreign leagues but I'm not really interested as long as Barcelona beat Man Utd I'll be happy. My other team Fiorentina have nothing to play for.

Nearly 3 months of boredom to come. I don't get to experience the thrill of a big multi-million pound transfer these days at Oldham. Maybe the excitement of a loan signing is all that's left.
Saturday's of feeling bored and wishing I was a game will now begin. Amazing how football turns into such a big part of your life!

Thankfully I have something to help pass the painful few months ahead.... Moving house!
So days & nights of packing have already begun, just 3 weeks left till the big move. I can't wait to get in and get sorted, a fresh start.

My main worry is where do I put my signed Kelly Brook in the new house?

Thursday 19 May 2011

Plug away

Evolution fail for spiders!
I found a spider in the bath & watched as it tried & tried to get out of the bath but just couldn't. baths have been around for what seem like forever so why haven't spider adapted to their surroundings yet?
Still they can't escape from a bath! No matter how little of big they just cant seem to get up and out of a bath. You would think with as many legs as they have they could speed charge up the bath side! Plenty of creatures have evolved to their surroundings.

How or why the hell do they get stuck down there in the 1st place? Is it some kind of spider suicide Or maybe they just love riding the bath tub rapids down into the plug hole, they're just gagging for you to run the tap and sent them to their happy place.
So next time you find a spider in your bath, you decide, out the window, down the plug hole, or drown the bastard till it's legs curl together and it goes stiff!
The last option is mainly for the kids who pulled the legs off daddy long-legs.

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Sunday 1 May 2011

Manchester Marathon in the late SunShineeeee

At this moment in time while writing this, my Wife is doing an all night Marathon run for Cancer research in Manchester, all 27 miles of it.

Before hand she says "why didn't you do it"? Well as most men think, race for life & Shine Cancer research is only for women.
If I had known, I would of loved to have taken part in the Marathon.
Even on the latest advert, Race for Life are complaining they are short of women competitors to take part in the run 5k events which means lack of money to help beat Cancer.... Well let us men take part if the numbers are down. Most men would enjoy running behind a load of women, and most men would agree it will be a good view to be had by all  ;)  but bet they all won't look like Kelly Brook!

Plus its thumbs up by the women too, athletic looking men speeding past them, fun for everyone then, whilst raising money at the same time.
Yet again, it's the Shelias wheels syndrome again. Equal rights please. We all want the same thing, so please let anyone enter these Cancer events. Then we can all do our bit and help beat Cancer.

Its not too late to Sponsor the wife

Sunday 24 April 2011

Happy Smoggy Easter

How quickly the year goes by the older you get, it's already Easter folks!
So what does Easter mean to everyone?
Is it all about the Lindt chocolate bunnies? Hoping that you get enough to form a bunny army?

For Christians, Easter is the most important festival in the Christian calendar. It celebrates the resurrection from the dead of Jesus, three days after he was executed. The Easter story is at the heart of Christianity.

Or is Easter now all about smog? Yes smog, it's on the lips of everyone, quite literally! I turn on the tele and the news is banging on about smog in London & Manchester.
You just can't win, firstly they say people need to go on holiday to increase local economy in sea side resorts...then they're blaming it on travelling for the increase in pollution causing smog.
Stay inside! Is the warning from the news to old people & asthma sufferers, then two minutes later they're saying "look at the lovely weather, go out and enjoy the sun"
Old people had it far worse in their youth, factories & mills pouring out black smoke. Yet they just got on with it, none of this softy nonsense.

So get out of your bubble, get outside in the smoggy sun, forget how bad chocolate is for you and eat loads of it....I will.

Sunday 17 April 2011

Stuck at a Semi

After watching yesterday's FA Cup semi-final, I feel a sense of injustice that Oldham never overcame that hurdle. Both times we came across Man Utd and failed in the year 1990 & 1994.
The two villains were Mark Robins and more notably Mark Hughes with his 120th minute Equaliser.

That goal in 1994 signalled the steady decline of my club, Oldham Athletic. Relegation followed in that season and it's been down hill since, now stuck in League One.
Looking on the bright side, I'm so glad I got to experience the cup run in 1989/90 where as well as reaching the FA Cup semi-final we reached the League Cup Final against Notts Forest where we lost 1-0 and finished 8th in the old second division.
Here was the cup run or as Latics fans call it "the pinch-me-season"

League Cup 89/90
2nd rnd Oldham 2-1 Leeds (1st leg)
2nd rnd Leeds 1-2 Oldham (2nd leg)
3rd Oldham 7-0 Scarborough
4th Oldham 3-1 Arsenal
5th Southampton 2-2 Oldham
5th Oldham 2-0 Southampton (replay)
Semi Oldham 6-0 West Ham (1st leg)
Semi West Ham 3-0 Oldham (2nd leg)
Final Oldham 0-1 Notts Forest

FA cup 89/90
Birmingham 1-1 Oldham
Oldham 1-0 Birmingham (replay)
Oldham 2-1 Brighton
Oldham 2-2 Everton
Everton 1-1 Oldham (replay)
Oldham 2-1 Everton (replay)
Oldham 3-0 Aston Villa
Oldham 3-3 Man Utd
Oldham 1-2 Man Utd (replay)

The 1989/90 squad contained stars such as:
Earl Barrett, Frank Bunn, Nick Henry, Rick Holden, Dennis Irwin, Ian Marshall, Mike Milligan, Roger Palmer, Paul Warhurst and of course Andy Ritchie
Managed by Joe Royle

Those days seem a long time ago now, we must be due a change of luck soon!

Ps. Well done City

Saturday 9 April 2011


Before you Brian Cox fanatics jump all over me about cavemen not being around the same time as dinosaurs, I know! Gayasaurus just seemed a good title, plus remove the R & turn the 1st U to a N and you get a new word. Childish I know!

The World's first gay caveman has been discovered!
Ancient humans remains are thought to be those of a gay man based on the way he was buried.

Rupert was found in the Czech Republic. His remains were curiously positioned and buried in a way that is usually only seen in female burials. Alongside him archaeologists found several household jugs but no sign of any weapons.
Maybe he was such a bad shot they told him not to bother hunting, bet he was last pick on the hunting team. So therefore he decided he might as well just stay back at the cave and learn cooking.

Archaeologists do not think it was a mistake or coincidence given the importance attached to funerals during the period, people from this period took funeral rites very seriously so it is highly unlikely that this positioning was a mistake.
So why have funeral rites changed so much these days, why aren't we buried with our instruments of our work?
For me it would be printer stuff, Not sure how this would work with prostitutes, their clients wouldn't be too happy going to have a early grave!

So gays were "out" in the stone age. Not sure why with cavewomen looking like Raquel Welch One Million Years Ago B.C.

I'm calling him Rupert. Good job Rupert didn't turn all his friends gay or mankind wouldn't of discovered the wheel and died out because they wouldn't move on from the hole!

Friday 8 April 2011

Quick Finger Update

After my accident at the end of last year my finger has been slowly trying to get back to normal. Except from the fact it still looks a little flat. Here was my 1st blog on the accident.
After 3 months a nail finally started to appear, so I thought things are looking up but not anymore. Looks like my nail is starting to grow into my finger!!!

Here's how it looked

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday 4 April 2011

Sweet smell of?

With 3D making a massive come back these past couple of years how long till Smell-O-Vision makes a return?
The last time we saw or should i say, smelt it was way back In 1995 the BBC's Children in Need brought scratch and sniff smell-o-vision to the masses. Through the Saturday evening family show Noel Edmond's House Party, viewers could experience various odours to complement their television experience. It never really worked well, with most smells seeming the same.

How would it work in this day and age?

"Top Gear" these days, Clarkson and co spend more time worrying about their hair than the cars, so a scratch n sniff card with old spice, hairspray and petrol fumes would do for the show. Ideal for middle aged men sat at their couch watching it.

"Skins" would contain the smell of a teenagers bedroom, beer and the smell of fags or weed. Not to be smelt if you have a weak stomach or too early in the morning!

"The only way is Essex" I challenge you to even sit through an episode, this is one poor show. Yet if Smell-O-Vision happens you could enjoy the smell of fake tan, hair spray & the odour de le skank perfume.

"what Katie did next" (see above)

I can't see Smell-O-Vision returning anytime soon, Thankfully looking at the shows above.... But who knows?

There must be a plus side to it - cooking with the lovely Nigella Lawson must smell nice!

Let's keep it as it is for now, no sniffing cards in front of the tele sniffing them like you've just found Kelly Brooks underwear or the pants from a member of JLS! You don't wanna be sat in my front room with daft 3D shades on watching football WHEN YOU COULD ACTUALLY BE THERE IN THE STADIUM WATCHING IT FOR REAL.
Get outside and experience REAL life!

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Its time for a chat about the Birds & the Bees

Its time for a chat about the Birds & the Bees people.
Basically this is when a man and a women cuddle in bed together very tightly. OK, now that's explained its down to the serious stuff.

New Research by American Scientists claim that Sudden bursts of physical activity - such as having sex can significantly increase the risk of having a heart attack! 

The scientists say the chances of cardiac arrest during or immediately after sexual exertions are particularly high among people who do not get regular exercise. They studied  the link between exercise, sex and the risk of heart attacks or sudden cardiac death.

They found people are 3.5 times more likely suffer one of the two when they are exercising compared to when they are not.
And they are 2.7 times more likely to have a heart attack either during or immediately after sex compared with when they are inactive.

They say "These elevated risks are only for a short period of time (one to two hours) during and after the physical or sexual activity,"
"If you take 1,000 people, each individual session of physical or sexual activity per week can be associated with an increase of 1 to 2 cases of heart attack or sudden cardiac death per year,"
"What we really don't want to do is for the public to walk away from this and think exercise is bad," she said.
She said it meant people who did not work out regularly needed to start any exercise programme slowly, gradually increasing its intensity over time.

So Don't show this blog to the wife or girlfriend
The headache excuse or the tired excuse won't be used anymore after reading this. They know they have the Trump card "death".  They will turn to you and say "sorry love, but i could die doing this" and what can you say to that?!

Also it seems from the research, that if your unfit you should think twice about doing the business, cut down on them pies lad.

Plus does this mean if you pull a fat bird out in the club and she dies whilst your doing the business you could get arrested for murder?
It must Just depends if the Police class what you used as a Weapon!